
Stim RX  Right so second I get spatial reasoning through advocacy for d you my name is David Johnson okay so David whatever represent the difference uh last year earlier so it's about the male enhancement product a sex feel that we are going to send us out here and oh by the way mr. David let me inform you sir that we are going to send you this awful supply of expense model here sighs the thing I've already received it that's what I'm trying to tell you guys you guys wanted me to give you a call with the results I want to tell you what the results were I said mr. David that you already got the product yes expand plus I'm looking at right here and I've taken in for a couple days now and here's the problem when I use the product it works too well the boner never goes down it stays up for about over an hour and I didn't know if there. Was a way to reduce the time of how long it stays up regarding with that sir you need to call the customer service about t